美国AB Kinetix 350 单轴 Ethernet/IP 伺服驱动器
Kinetix 350 单轴 Ethernet/IP 伺服驱动器
我们的 Bulletin 2097 Kinetix? 350 单轴 EtherNet/IP? 伺服驱动器具备集成运动可扩展性。利用单一网络,EtherNet/IP 可对包括人机界面、可编程自动化控制器、I/O 和运动在内的整个系统的集成加以简化。
2097-V31PR0-LM Kinetix 350 Single Axis Ethernet/IP Servo Drive, 120/240V AC Single Phase, 400 Watts
2097-V31PR2-LM Kinetix 350 Single Axis Ethernet/IP Servo Drive, 120/240V AC Single Phase, 800 Watts
2097-V32PR0-LM Kinetix 350 Single Axis Ethernet/IP Servo Drive, 240V AC Single-Phase with integrated AC (EMC) line Filter, 400 Watts
2097-V32PR2-LM Kinetix 350 Single Axis Ethernet/IP Servo Drive, 240V AC Single-Phase with integrated AC (EMC) line Filter, 800 Watts
2097-V32PR4-LM Kinetix 350 Single Axis Ethernet/IP Servo Drive, 240V AC Single-Phase with integrated AC (EMC) line Filter, 1.7 kW
2097-V33PR1-LM Kinetix 350 Single Axis Ethernet/IP Servo Drive, 240V AC Three-Phase, 500 Watts
2097-V33PR3-LM Kinetix 350 Single Axis Ethernet/IP Servo Drive, 240V AC Three-Phase, 1.0 kW
2097-V33PR5-LM Kinetix 350 Single Axis Ethernet/IP Servo Drive, 240V AC Three-Phase, 2.0 kW
2097-V33PR6-LM Kinetix 350 Single Axis Ethernet/IP Servo Drive, , 3.0 kW
2097-V34PR3-LM Kinetix 350 Single Axis Ethernet/IP Servo Drive, 480V AC Three-Phase, 1.0 kW
2097-V34PR5-LM Kinetix 350 Single Axis Ethernet/IP Servo Drive, 480V AC Three-Phase, 2.0 kW
2097-V34PR6-LM Kinetix 350 Single Axis Ethernet/IP Servo Drive, 480V AC Three-Phase, 3.0 kW